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U Invest : Important information about electronic certificates

Important information about electronic certificates

Wednesday, 10:51
13 March 2013
As you might have noticed, the text body of the electronic certificates has been changed. Our company's activities correspond to international business and law standards, that is why the content of the certificates should correspond to them as well. Let us provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding this matter.

1. Why have you completely changed certificates?
At this stage our company aims to meet international legal standards that will allow developing current and future directions more efficiently. That is why the contents of the certificates have been changed.

2. What does it mean for me?
You should not worry, as it means absolutely nothing for you. You remain a unique investor in projects at the UInvest platform, and certificates fully confirm your investment and guarantee our responsibility.

3. Why should I give up the paper version of the certificate?
You have a unique opportunity to get an electronic version of the certificate, and in return give needy children money that would be spent on their production and delivery, as well as to preserve a piece of nature.

Kindly feel free to address additional questions to our 24/7 support.

All the best from UInvest

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