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Just Been Paid : (^_^) Best High-Yield Program Ever!

(^_^) Best High-Yield Program Ever!

Welcome to all our new members!

JSS-Tripler now has 149,785 members --
growing by over 2,500 new members a
day. Thanks to all our sponsors our
viral growth continues.

The most important factor that makes
JSS-Tripler the best high-yield program
ever is that it's indefinitely sustainable:

Thousands of other high-yield programs
have disappeared over the years. All
the member money in these programs at
the end is usually lost.

A most important thing for new members
to realize is that you can earn a great
deal with JSS-Tripler. On our Blog you
can see that our top earner has earned
over $283,000. All of our top 20 earners
have earned more than $96,000 each:

The JSS-Tripler Pay-It-Forward System
is working well. All members who create
their JSS-Tripler accounts for the first
time get "$10 free money" in their JSS-
Tripler accounts. They can immediately
buy a JSS-Tripler position and start
earning 2% per day!

Please tell your prospects that if they
create their new JSS-Tripler accounts,
they get "$10 free money" to get started.
(Note that after 60 days their JSS
accounts will be debited with $10.)

You can increase your level of earnings
by increasing your ability to do things

(Rather out of date, but includes some
useful info.)

Working for our wealth and success,

Frederick Mann

P.S. I challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than

P.P.S. JSS-Tripler is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell
your friends and contacts about it...
before they join under someone else.

From -

Just Been Paid : (^_^) JSS-Tripler: The Brightest Star!

(^_^) JSS-Tripler: The Brightest Star!

Welcome to all our new members!

JSS-Tripler now has 144,091 members --
growing by over 2,500 new members a
day. Thanks to all our sponsors our
viral growth continues.

JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and its related
programs -- including JSS-Tripler,
JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS), and our
Restart Feature -- are licenced under
United States Patent 6,578,010:

An important factor that helps make
JSS-Tripler the brightest star among
high-yield programs is that we're
indefinitely sustainable:

As our growth continues, it helps all
our members earn with JSS-Tripler:

A most important thing for new members
to realize is that you can earn a great
deal with JSS-Tripler. On our Blog you
can see that our top earner has earned
over $281,000. All of our top 20 earners
have earned more than $95,000 each:

The JSS-Tripler Pay-It-Forward System
is working well. All members who create
their JSS-Tripler accounts for the first
time get "$10 free money" in their JSS-
Tripler accounts. They can immediately
buy a JSS-Tripler position and start
earning 2% per day!

Please tell your prospects that if they
create their new JSS-Tripler accounts,
they get "$10 free money" to get started.
(Note that after 60 days their JSS
accounts will be debited with $10.)

Another most important thing to grasp
is that our top earners earn the kind
of money they do because they operate
those with lesser earnings.

The good news is that whatever your
current level of competence -- even if
can become more competent and increase
your earnings. It may take MASSIVE
ACTION, but the chances are that YOU

In your JBP member area under "Products"
check out "Upgrade Your Brain" and "The
Big Success Breakthrough." For access to
the 2nd product you need to upgrade to
JBP Level 1 (JBP1).

Working for our wealth and success,

Frederick Mann

P.S. I challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than

P.P.S. JSS-Tripler is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell
your friends and contacts about it...
before they join under someone else.

From -

U Invest : Friday newsletter 27 January 2012

UInvest Friday newsletter
Friday, 27 January 2012 00:00

GUN Project development: 9 agents!

Global UInvest Network continues its development – 6 new agents joined the network so now GUN is presented in all part of the world! UInvest has become really global! We keep watching the progress of the most promising online project of 2012 and you can read about GUN agents here

Earn even more with UInvest!

Want UInvest to change? Let us know and make money on this! We have created a new section on the forum – RFP (request for proposals) where you can make a deal with UInvest. Tell us what you can do for UInvest community, we are happy to pay for your job! We have already received many translation offers, feel free to post something, too!

URaise: back to work

As you remember, URaise is a gate for businesses to get listed on UInvest. Good news: it is back and now you can submit your business projects if you want to raise funds for your business! Use us to make money! The URL has not changed either

McDonald's to increase investment in Ukraine by 25% in 2012

McDonald's Ukraine, an enterprise with foreign investment, is planning in 2012 to increase investment in Ukraine to Hr 200 million, which is 25% up on 2011, Vice President East Division & Managing Director McDonald's Ukraine Ian Borden has said.
"In 2011, we invested about Hr 160 million in business development in Ukraine and paid more than Hr 318 million in taxes and fees. We will continue to increase investment in Ukraine and we intend to invest Hr 200 million in 2012," he said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
The company has invested over $150 million in the chain and infrastructure development in Ukraine.

Next letter will be issued on Friday 3d of Fabruary. Stay tuned!

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