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Mint : 8th Official Newsletter

8th Official Newsletter
Posted May 13th, 2012

As usual, let’s go directly to business. It’s our eighth newsletter, which indicates we are now eight weeks (or two full months) at your service!
In our seventh newsletter, we offered you the opportunity to buy any kind of token to receive one free token for every ten you purchase. This offer is still very much valid for every Dragonfly or Premier Membership holder!

Keep note, though there’s still not much time to grab this opportunity, we’ve decided to spice it up a bit. Oh god, what could be better than this offer, you ask?

Well the offer stays the same without any extensions, if you were wondering. Have you ever seen the sun shine on a Dragonfly’s wings? That’s right—Dragonfly and Premier Holders fly higher on Mint! Therefore, we offer our prelaunch (as of right now until the 1st of June) to all Dragonfly and Premier Membership holders!

You may even use the free Token offer on the prelaunch offers, if only for a very limited period. If you can’t make it on time, you may still have the opportunity to get all our prelaunch offers until June 1st, so don’t start pulling your hair until the last minute! Our Premier holders may think, ‘damn! I have Premier Tokens and the prelaunch spectacle offer pays just the same.’ That’s why we’re giving each Premier Token holder One Free Token for each Token they buy until June 01, 2012. What an absolutely incredible offer!

Yes, both the Dragonfly and our esteemed Premier holders receive great opportunities and as you can see, we’re not holding back on the special treatment. We will surely keep the Dragonfly flying high on Mint.

Now, for everyone who says ‘So I’ll get myself a Premier Token right now and still get the offer extended. That sounds reasonable.’ Then again, the existing Premier Token holders who have already purchased the Token during our Launch would have been less fortunate. Because of this, we’ve decided to raise the price of the Premier membership to $62.00 during the first month, and the recurring price stays the same. See? Taking us on our introduction offers always pays out!

We have gotten approximately 150 new members during the last week, all the while systematically deleting inactive accounts at the same time. We now have an active member ratio of 76.80% with a total of 1100 Members! Not bad for two full months of service!

Are you on Facebook? Because if you are, you might like to join our Facebook page! Yes, one of our dear members has set up a Facebook page just for Mint, and we’ve made it our official home. Here’s the link.

More of a Google+ person, you say? Well, why don’t you try setting up a Google+ page? You can tell us about it and we’ll make it official. On Mint, we strongly believe we are a family, so as part of this family everyone must work together! If you are in any social network, please feel free to open a group, page, blog, etc. and send us the link! We’ll link to the page and make it one of our many cozy homes around the net.

Do you remember last week, when we introduced the new promotion spots and mentioned the power of the new rating system? We promised to award the highest rated page with a leader board banner! Basically, we reward the owner or Member of the submitted page with a special gift.

Therefore, it would be our pleasure to congratulate ZeekGlobal (#601) for their submitted site! Please contact us to claim your reward!

The site got an overall rating of: 90.00%

Ah, let’s not forget the Dragonfly Lottery!

The winner of the weekly Spectacle Token is: piotrekomar (#692) (Alertpay)

Congratulations from the entire team, you have been rewarded with one Spectacle Token. Enjoy!

Oh, and every two weeks there is an overall winner, and the lucky Member is: aretto (#487) (Alertpay)

Congratulations also to you, you have been awarded a free Spectacle Token as well!

Do you see what happens to Dragonfly Winners (Membership holders)? Owning a Dragonfly gives out opportunities like the Lottery, the bonus Tokens, the prelaunch Tokens and other wonderful minty sugar sweets, treats and bonuses for the Dragonfly members (and of course, our Premier holders!) over the next few years.

Just to recap:

1. Until May 15th, 2012, every ten (10) Tokens purchased give one (1) free Token. Dragonfly or Premier Membership required.
2. Until June 01, 2012, prelaunch tokens roll back for Dragonfly and Premier Holders.
3. Premier Membership Price rose to $62.00.
4. You are surely a winner if you hold a Dragonfly or Premier Token.
5. Mint is spectacular!
6. You are spectacular!

Mint up your life,

From -

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