What happens when your credit card expires online or in your app?

At least I was given notice. Last year, I lost and cancelled a credit card. For months afterwards, I was finding out new places that had that card info stored and would not process my transaction. My gym membership lapsed; I was late getting a prescription fulfilled etc etc etc.
Now I work at PayPal so it’s no surprise that I think the answer is to use us everywhere. But the fact is, I just spent two hours over the weekend going through old credit card bills and then logging on to sites to update my credit card information, when if they all took PayPal, I would have just updated my card once in my account and be done. I could have spent the time wasted this weekend on more productive – or at least more fun – endeavors.
In fact, even if I had not updated that one credit card in my PayPal account. It’s just one of the ways to pay in my PayPal digital wallet, so my transaction would have gone through anyway.
We’ll be at SXSW this week so I hope that some of the developers in Austin will stop by our developer lounge and check the new tools out because I know that I can’t be the only person who has not been able to use my taxi app at the last minute or order a pizza online because my financial info was out of date. My gym now takes PayPal so it looks like I’ll have to find another excuse to let that membership lapse.
–Anuj Nayar, Senior Director, Communications
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