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My Browser Cash : April 11th 2012

April 11th 2012 : Referral Shares will soon be called Rented Referrals. We feel it better associates with what they actually are as Blocks of 5 System Referrals. We don't want any confusion between shares as an investment and renting referrals (which is really what they are). The site will be updated over the next few days to reflect this. Some people think for whatever reason shares are a fixed investment, which they are not and never were. Please do NOT post anywhere that they are or were a fixed investment, doing so will result in your account being banned. 

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U Invest : Friday newsletter 23 March 2012

UInvest Friday newsletter
Friday, 23 March 2012 00:00

First time in history – uinvestor will moderate UInvest forum!

Week ago we announced real elections:  every uinvestor could take a part, get votes of other uinvestors and become a moderator of our forum. Bizzt, uinvestor from Canada, has gained more votes than others and now he is a new moderator of UInvest forum! Congratulate him here

We introduced a new Customer Relation Management system

It has finally happened – UInvest has got the new powerful tool that allows us to serve uinvestors much more effective. Live chat, advanced ticketing system, knowledge base – just a few features this new system includes. To start using it please click the link and log in using your uinvest account details. Happy uinvesting!

New project posted

Alcoholic Beverage Plant is the new project we posted just a few days ago. Each share earns $385 a month, price per share is $1800. At this moment only 59 shares left! Hurry up and don’t forget you can reserve shares if you have insufficient account balance

EU Invests USD 39 Billion in Ukraine in 2011

Foreign direct investment in the Ukrainian economy from the EU countries in 2011 amounted to USD 39.4 billion, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine has reported.The main countries accounting for almost 84% of the total volume of investment from the EU were Cyprus - USD 12.646 billion (32.1% of the total volume of investment from the EU countries), Germany - USD 7.386 billion (18.7%), the Netherlands - USD 4.823 billion (12.2%), Austria - USD 3.423 billion (8.7%), Britain - USD 2.508 billion (6.4%) and France - USD 2.231 billion (5.7%).

Next letter will be issued on Friday 30th of March. Stay tuned!

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Zeek Rewards : ZeekRewards Access Issues Temporary Solution & Daily Awards

ZeekRewards Access Issues Temporary Solution & Daily Awards

Zeek Geeks at workHello fine people.  We realize there are a great many people who are struggling to get onto ZeekRewards currently that are attempting to place ads and are dealing with access issues.  As our IT team is investigating and working with our partners to create the solutions to these issues – we are running reports as to who the users are that traditionally advertise daily that are not currently posting their links in their back offices.  We will be re-running awards for the past few days for all of our faithful affiliates who are currently struggling with these access issues – so those of you who are advertising but are unable to post your ad links into your back offices, fear not…we’re on it.
If you cannot get to ZeekRewards currently please use this link to post your ads (while continually checking to see if you can get into ZeekRewards before you do so daily):
  1. Click this link
  2. Log-in with your username and password
  3. Place your ad for the day.
Please be sure to comment on yesterdays post if you are experiencing these issues – let us know your trace routes – and keep the communications flowing.  If you see something you think we need to know about…comment on this post (as well as giving us your IP configs and trace routes on yesterdays post).  We need your reports…keep them coming.
So…why is this happening?
Our IT team has partnered with companies to stop the attacks we’ve been experiencing (which is why many have experienced a full fix and others have found themselves locked out of the site).  The fix has blocked some (not most) of our affiliates from ZeekRewards and we are now in the process of fixing the fix :) .  In the mean-time…we’re going to be sure that (as long as you are still advertising) – you still receive your daily awards for doing so.
Thanks for hangin’ in through thick and thin.  You’re the BEST!! d

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Just Been Paid : (^_^) JSS-Tripler - New Records!

Welcome to all our new members!

JSS-Tripler now has 458,574 members.
Thank you to our many promoters for
doing such a great job!

Yesterday, purchases of JSS-Tripler
positions hit a new all-time record,
and today that record was beaten!

The most important thing for new members
to realize is that you can earn a great
deal with JSS-Tripler. On our Blog you
can see that our top earner has earned
over $384,000. All of our top 20 earners
have earned more than $121,000 each:

This is a great time to buy JSS-Tripler
positions, because buying now and during
the coming weeks is like buying just after
a Restart:

The chances are very good that there won't
be another Restart (after the one coming in
about 11 days) for about 90 days, meaning
the positions you buy now will most likely
mature, paying out 150%, before the
following Restart.

This is a great time to promote JSS-Tripler,
because new accounts and new positions will
not be affected by the coming Restart.

It's very easy to make money with

JSS-Tripler is indefinitely sustainable:

The current JSS withdrawals are:

Maximum Daily Individual Withdrawal = $1,000

Maximum Daily Individual Withdrawal = $1,000

Maximum Daily Individual Withdrawal = $1,000

Maximum Daily Individual Withdrawal = $500

The limits are partly set to enable
as many people as feasible to make
daily withdrawals. They may be further
adjusted from time to time.

The JSS-Tripler Pay-It-Forward System
is working well. All members who create
their JSS-Tripler accounts for the first
time get "$10 free money" in their JSS-
Tripler accounts. They can immediately
buy a JSS-Tripler position and start
earning up to 2% per day!

Please tell your prospects that if they
create their new JSS-Tripler accounts,
they get "$10 free money" to get started.
(Note that after 45 days their JSS-Tripler
accounts will be debited with $10.)

Working for our wealth and success,

Frederick Mann

P.S. I challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than

P.P.S. JSS-Tripler is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell
your friends and contacts about it...
before they join under someone else. 
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Alertpay : Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Holiday Vacation

Please note that our Customer Support center will be closed on Friday April 6th, 2012, for the Easter holiday. Office hours will resume as normal on Monday April 9th, 2012.

Follow this link to submit an email to customer support.

Thank you and happy Easter to all!

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