- April 13, 2012 6:57 pm
- admin

Hello fine people. We realize there are a great many people who are struggling to get onto ZeekRewards currently that are attempting to place ads and are dealing with access issues. As our IT team is investigating and working with our partners to create the solutions to these issues – we are running reports as to who the users are that traditionally advertise daily that are not currently posting their links in their back offices. We will be re-running awards for the past few days for all of our faithful affiliates who are currently struggling with these access issues – so those of you who are advertising but are unable to post your ad links into your back offices, fear not…we’re on it.
If you cannot get to ZeekRewards currently please use this link to post your ads (while continually checking to see if you can get into ZeekRewards before you do so daily):
- Click this link
- Log-in with your username and password
- Place your ad for the day.
Please be sure to comment on yesterdays post if you are experiencing these issues – let us know your trace routes – and keep the communications flowing. If you see something you think we need to know about…comment on this post (as well as giving us your IP configs and trace routes on yesterdays post). We need your reports…keep them coming.
So…why is this happening?
Our IT team has partnered with companies to stop the attacks we’ve been experiencing (which is why many have experienced a full fix and others have found themselves locked out of the site). The fix has blocked some (not most) of our affiliates from ZeekRewards and we are now in the process of fixing the fix

. In the mean-time…we’re going to be sure that (as long as you are still advertising) – you still receive your daily awards for doing so.
Thanks for hangin’ in through thick and thin. You’re the BEST!! d
Credit - http://zeekrewardsnews.com/2012/04/zeekrewards-access-issues-temporary-solution-daily-awards/
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