Fast Cash Mega


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Fast Cash Mega : WITHDRAWALS (please read!)

I know many of you wonder why withdrawals are taking longer than before so that's why I'm sending this update. Especially members who don't read our updates (or not all updates) may be confused. I can understand that.

Ok, so as you know (or not know) we're dealing with a situation where (at the moment) about $83,000 have been reserved (frozen) in our Payza account for 6 months as part of their policy. Every business that use Payza has to deal with this. They reserve a percentage of weekly income for 6 months. So every week what have been reserved 6 months ago will be released and a percentage of new weekly income is reserved again. This keeps going like that. Even Egopay started this policy too now but they reserve for 60 days instead of 6 months. I guess it's because Payza and Egopay are closely connected.

Problem is we can't use the money that have been reserved till it's released. Some time ago we posted the release schedule. It shows that in March the bigger amounts will be released so then we can enable Payza withdrawals again.

From support tickets I have read it's clear some members don't understand what the Payza problem has to do with the other processors but it has everything to do with them of course because if members can't withdraw to Payza they will withdraw to STP, LR or Egopay of course so that means we need more in those account than calculated.
That is exactly why withdrawals take longer and why we have the limits at the moment because to trade with more volume we need more capital that stays in our trading accounts so we can make more profit. Profit from trading is not always the same day. It can take days, weeks or even months with some strategies so we need to know exactly how much we have in withdrawals every day so we know how much we keep in our trading accounts. It's very important we work this way to increase profit steadily.

In our previous updates we explained our “3 phase” plan to fill the Payza gap and speed things up. Our plan is working very well I can say but it needs time. Time to make more profit from our trading activities. Time to launch our new programs (which are big money makers on paper). Also Time to get the returns from investments we have running. We have multiple investments running but there are a few that I'm extremely excited about because it looks like the returns will be gigantic. But again... time... it takes time. We have to be patient and follow the plan. We always work systematically and that's one of the main reasons we have been online paying in multiple programs for quite some years now.

I understand for you, as a member waiting on withdrawals, it can be very frustrating. I have been waiting on withdrawals in programs many times and I know the feeling you get like “What if they don't pay?” It's a scary feeling if you have invested some money. All I can say is we're here and paying. We have not stopped paying since the first program I launched (on my own) years ago so we're not planning on stopping now.

At the moment we're in phase 2 of our plan which is launch of 2 new programs. The first one is ready and being installed at the moment. A designer made the logo and is working on other graphics so we have to wait on that. Once everything is ready we will first show you a presentation of the program so you understand how it works and can decide if it's something for you or not. I know some don't understand why we launch other programs while FCM is having a problem at the moment. Well maybe if I ask you this question you'll see:

Here's the answer:

Yes that's how easy your question can be answered. If we want to speed up things, why not make more profit next to our trading activities? The more profit we make the faster we can fill the Payza gap. That's better for you and better for us because we truly hate the fact some people talk all their scam this and that talk on forums because withdrawals take longer so yes we're on this like real heavy every day all day (believe me!).

If you have withdrawals waiting try to be patient. Late payment is better than no payment like what's going on in many programs at the moment. Try to keep that in mind. It's one thing you know when you're a member of our programs, you get paid!

Thanks for reading this (if you did). We're 100% focused and ready to launch the first of the 2 new programs soon. Stay tuned for more info. Talk soon.

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