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Zeek Rewards : Moves, Changes, and More

Moves, Changes, and More

Hello fine people.
Many amazing and powerful changes are underway to support the growth of this magnificent project and this one is a big deal!
As many of you know, my background and love has always been in start-ups, strategies, product development, marketing and leadership development.  Over the past year I took on a semi-operational (acting COO role) for RVG while the explosion occured, but never took on the ENTIRE role as I was not IN Lexington and they were simply not my forte (processing, finance, HQ decisions, comp plan stuff…were all still Paul) and I simply lent a hand wherever I was needed while expanding staff and software to meet the needs we had (as Chief Fireman more than COO).  I was always keeping my eyes peeled with Paul for the right “Generals” to take this project from its entrepreneurial phase into its corporation “big business” phase, just waiting for the right people to turn up at exactly the right time.
Several months ago a gentleman I have come to respect and truly love working with was introduced to me by Kevin Grimes, his name is Greg Caldwell.  Greg quickly became my number one resource and asset when it came to the operational and compliance side of this expansion.  All the while (due to the ever-growing list of 911s that come with this level of mega-growth) I was pushed further and further away from the role I have always loved and the one this company and it’s affiliates would be best served by. I am absolutely tickled to announce that Greg Caldwell has accepted the role of acting COO for RVG where we are confident he brings all of the skills, experience and strengths required to take the RVG operation to the next level.
My new title is Chief Marketing Officer and I cannot even begin to express how excited I am about my ability to FOCUS on all of the strategies, marketing initiatives, product advancements, IT enhancements and expansion plans that are in the works.
We have also brought Josh Calloway on board as CTO.  Josh brings with him an impeccable background and oodles of experience in the executive management seat so now Dan can breathe again as Master Programmer and he will have the time to focus on new product development!!  (Yay!) And our brand new CFO Angie Fiebernitz is an absolute god-send to us all.
It’s all so very exciting and such incredibly great news that I’ve been biting my tongue since we made the decision until the announcement was made at RCW!
There’s more…
We’ve hired Clifton Jolly to head up PR, Peter Mingils is rockin’ the Certified Trainers course curriculum as Zeek’s Training & Incentives Coordinator.  Alex de Brantes has been promoted to Executive Director of Training and Support Services and is doing a bang-up job serving all of your needs with his incredible support community…while Robert Mecham and OH Brown are banging out video after video and Zeek’s FANTASTIC NEW BUSINESS CARDS!  Barb Ghent was promoted from Shopper to full-on BUYER and is heading up our MASSIVE auction, store and upcoming redemption center expansion.  As brilliant and valuable all if these team members have been individually they have become a force to be reckoned with as RVG’s Marketing and Training team and division.
There are incredible things coming right around the corner so get ready!!  From’s launch on August 22nd to the 1st EVER Annual Zeek Extravaganza in Nashville the weekend of November 10th there will be an absolute SLEW OF NEW for you to sink your teeth into!!  So call EVERYONE you know cuz you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!
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