Zeekrewards Update
Posted: August 26, 2012 Filed under: Corporate News, Member News Leave a comment » This update applies to all STPay members who were affiliates of the online company, zeekrewards.com. As most members now know, the website, and its corporate entity, Rex Venture Group, LLC has been closed by the SEC as indicated here: ZEEKREWARDS CLOSURESolidTrust, along with all other financial entities that provided payment services for them, has been contacted by the SEC and asked to suspend the Zeekrewards SolidTrust Pay account. This was done on Friday, August 17, 2012. Subsequently, the SEC has requested that all funds presently on hold in the account be wired to the US Federal Reserve Bank on or before September 5, 2012. SolidTrust plans on wiring the funds before that time to ensure timely delivery in advance of the due date.
We are, of course, being asked if members are entitled to any refunds and the answer is, unfortunately, not directly through us. As all funds are now the property of the US Government, any refunds to eligible Zeekrewards affiliates will come from the designated receivership body appointed by the United States.
Any members attempting to receive a refund via a chargeback or reversal will find themselves in violation of the court order and their attempts will be challenged and refuted. It is best for everyone to be patient, respect the court order, and wait for any refunds to be granted to them.
There has been some rumour and speculation that 1) SolidTrust will run out of money after it sends the balance of the Zeekrewards account as requested and 2) SolidTrust itself is under investigation by the SEC. We would like to reassure members that neither of the above is anywhere near any semblance of anything resembling Fact or Truth. Think about these facts for a moment:
…how could anyone that wasn’t top management in STPay, possibly know the total value of STPay funds?
…how would anyone, who wasn’t employed by the SEC, know of an internal SEC investigation that wasn’t already public knowledge?
SolidTrust Pay was around years before Zeekrewards and will be around years after it has all passed. The present rumours are nothing but a smear campaign to discredit STPay and attack their position as one of the top ranking, most trusted ewallet providers in the world.
From - http://solidtrustnews.com/2012/08/26/zeekrewards-update/
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