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Banner Broker : Training in Torino!- Aug 13

Training in Torino!- Aug 13

On August 13th, we landed in beautiful Torino Italy to host Banners Broker’s first support training seminar.
As we drove towards our hotel, we eagerly looked out the window taking in the amazing scenery around us. Torino was not only a lively city filled with energetic people, but had buildings with such captivating historical backgrounds – some dating back to two thousand years of kings, revolutionaries and artists who all have all shaped this bustling city.
We arrived at the hotel and were greeted with open arms and welcoming smiles by the Independent Contractors of Italy. Although excited to share our stories with them, we knew we had lots of work ahead of us. Over the following two days, we discussed the intricacies of Banners Broker, which allowed us to help plan and create the curriculum to be used to train new support staff in Italy.
We were very impressed with the enthusiasm, preparation and questions that the ICs of Italy presented during this training.  They were eager to learn, and offered valuable input in how we can effectively train any incoming staff. Overall, it was a productive and energizing experience.
Banner Broker is very excited to be opening up local support in many of our affiliated countries and know that this will prove to be both valuable and efficient long-term.
– BB Team

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