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My Browser Cash : May 14th - 30th 2012

2012-05-30: We've had quite a few people claim there were no rentals available today for upgraded members. We assure you there were and they went very quickly. We HAVE to maintain a ratio of rentals available to actual users in the system, it's just that simple. We understand it can be frustrating waiting for them and then have them gone in a few minutes, but we do not need the shouting and ridiculous support tickets from people who didn't get rentals. If you want to submit ridiculous tickets calling us "Liars" etc then please, use the door. We apologize for having to say that but these types of tickets do absolutely nothing good, waste our resources that can be better applied to helping people with legitamate issues.

2012-05-29: We will being reserving some Rentals on a daily basis for Silver and Gold Members and will release them at Noon EST (12:00 Server time) Daily. This number will fluctuate as the system determines how many are available on a daily basis.

2012-05-28: We have found more and more accounts cheating the system, Cheating the system is responsible for some of the recent payment delays and causes many other issues. If you are cheating your account will be terminated without notice.

2012-05-27: We are currently working on some updates to Slideup Ads. You may experience a slightly lower number of Slideup Ads over the next 48 hours. If Slideups stop working please be sure to right click the $ icon, click associate and re-associate.

2012-05-25: Soon you will be able to Buy/Sell Rental Blocks From/To Other Members!

2012-05-23: We are nearly finished with Tasks For Cash and hope to have it released the first week in June. We apologize for the extended delay in bringing this to you.

2012-05-23: We've lowered the price for Basic PTC Ads, Click Advertising to Learn More. We're also working on some new features for Clicks For Cash in the coming weeks and after listening to user feedback have brought it back for everyone.

2012-05-22: Again, we want to remind members. We will NEVER email you asking you for your password AND ALWAYS be sure when you are logging into the members area you are on If you are NOT using https and are on a public network it is very easy for someone to steal account information, not only from your MBC account but any other non secure connection.

Also, do NOT download any version of MyBrowserCash outside from the members area. We have had reports of people who have downloaded "Bots" and Hacks to cheat the system (or just a link to MBC outside of our site) and many of these are filled with Keyloggers (recording everything you type) and other viruses that can compromise your computers security.

2012-05-17: If you are using IE and the members area is displaying incorrectly, please press F12 then click "Document Mode" and select Internet Explorer 9.

2012-05-14: We have had reports of lack of ads the last few days to week. Please note we are looking into the issue. If you notice this issue resolved please reply to any support ticket you have open letting us know it is fixed for you.

2012-05-14: We are happy to announce Paypal is back up for withdrawals. We have some final configurations to finish before it is available once again for deposits. Going forward there will be a sitewide deposit limit per month through Paypal.
Also, We ask if you have a withdrawal request through Alertpay (due to the paypal issue) to please cancel and resubmit through Paypal(please only do this if you submitted withdrawal requests to Alertpay because of the Paypal Issue). This will help us catch up on withdrawal requests much faster. We apologize for the extended delay in getting Paypal back up.

From -

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