1099′s, Back-Office Year End Report and Special Call Schedule
- Howard Kaplan Zeek’s IRS/Tax Attorney is in the process of answering all of your questions in writing. He will not be answering PERSONAL tax questions (unless you retain him personally to do so) however he will be getting them finished up and I will post them shortly.
- I have asked Howard to appear on a special call this week to go over all of your questions (and his answers) in a bit more detail with you live and in person and he has happily agreed to do so. So…we’ll be having an additional (possibly combined call with Darryle Douglas’s 9pm est and Dawn Wright-Olivares’s Monday Night Leadership Calls this week – PLUS a special call Tuesday night featuring Howard Kaplan to answer all of your questions!) We’ll get the times and dial-in information out to everyone via email tomorrow afternoon and will post them here as well.
- If you have received or are expecting a 1099 from Zeek, it is critical for you to listen to Howard’s first Leadership call he did for us, so you will understand the following information when attending this weeks calls :
- What Zeek has reported as your earnings (as required by law) to the IRS and why
- Your earnings and your deductions and how to present them to your tax preparer. PLEASE listen to this call BEFORE you react to your 1099. Earnings are earnings…deductions are deductions. These are very important realities in running your own home-based business.
- Version 2 of your back-office 2011 Year End Report is being re-worked and re-generated and will be re-loaded into the back offices of those who have received a 1099 from Zeek for 2011 within the next day or two (with the goal being prior to tomorrow night’s call so it can be explained in detail). The amount of data in these reports makes them extremely time-consuming to tweak and regenerate so please be patient during this process. Version 2 is still going to remain a beta version. There will be a version 3 release at the end of the week as we collect, revise and finalize the rest of the data we are still compiling for the final release version.
- There was a stall in the user-queue program that created a delay in your real-time reporting from Saturday to Sunday. It is only a delay. Please do NOT re-register affiliates or customers because you do not yet see them in your back office reports – they are in the system and are being processed in their time/date stamp order they were received. Everything is working great and it will catch up shortly.
- Monday is a banking and company holiday. Please be advised that it will not count as a “business day”.
Have a great evening!
From - http://zeekrewardsnews.com/2012/02/1099s-back-office-year-end-report-and-special-call-schedule/
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