2013/03/28 16:00
We updated our TOS page today with rule nb. 16.
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/27 19:02 Important update
2013/03/27 19:02
Important update:Active from March 27:
As you know our system has external and internal sustainability.
External sustainability depends on our revenue from other connected websites. Due to temporary problems on these other websites we are going to 100% activate internal sustainability until problems on other websites will be resolved.
Internal sustainability depends on revenue generated on Meshtalk websites. We are paying 80% of our revenue to our members. It is important that you promote our services to new prospects and make new purchases of our services yourself. More revenue will be generated each day, more withdrawal requests will be processed until we start using external sustainability again (so when other websites will start to work normally again).
According to data we received we will include external sustainability again on April 15. With this part of payouts will be processed each day according to our revenue from other websites. Still - more revenue is generated each day on our websites, more payouts are processed daily. Promote our services and you will contribute to fast processing of payouts to active members.
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/25 11:51 All pending payout requests were processed today.
2013/03/25 11:51
All pending payout requests were processed today.Dear members, make new purchases of our services and promote our services to your friends. Make withdrawals of all your earned money on WOB rather than choosing re-purchase option. After you receive payout to e-payment processor, make new purchase of our services if you want to. With this you will contribute to higher daily withdrawal limit.
Also use your purchase balance for different advertising options on MeshtalkClicks to promote your business - your referral links and take the time to calculate how much you can earn with our program when you use our PTC and PTR programs.
Meshtalk team
Fast Cash Mega : SITE UNDER MAINTENANCE (important!!!)
have a problem at the site. As it seems the earnings from Profit
Units are today about 10 times what they should be so members have
big amounts in their accounts which is not correct. We have to
investigate what happened. Looks
like the cronjob got stuck in a loop.
We have set up a maintenance page at the site till we have figured out what happened and made the corrections. Will update on this as soon as possible. Thanks.
We have set up a maintenance page at the site till we have figured out what happened and made the corrections. Will update on this as soon as possible. Thanks.
Fast Cash Mega admin
TriDeci : 10K Milestone!
Congratulation to all members on making TriDeci such a success.
We just passed 10000 (Ten Thousand Members)!
That is just AWESOME! And in just a little over 6 weeks!
Some other quick stats:
Alexa Rank is now 15200.
We have paid over USD111,000 in cashouts.
Our top two earners have both earned over USD20,000
Top referrer has over 1000 referrals, over 500 in the last week alone.
If you still dont think its worth upgrading and making full use of the TriDeci Daily Income System, then just consider this, in another six weeks time, could you be a 20K earner too?
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin.
We just passed 10000 (Ten Thousand Members)!
That is just AWESOME! And in just a little over 6 weeks!
Some other quick stats:
Alexa Rank is now 15200.
We have paid over USD111,000 in cashouts.
Our top two earners have both earned over USD20,000
Top referrer has over 1000 referrals, over 500 in the last week alone.
If you still dont think its worth upgrading and making full use of the TriDeci Daily Income System, then just consider this, in another six weeks time, could you be a 20K earner too?
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin.
U Invest : Conference Newsletter 27 MAR 2013
Conference newsletter
thank you for your kind acceptance of our invitation to be interviewed
at our Wednesday UICC 2013 Newsletter. Would you, please, tell the
readers how long you have been a uinvestor?
I heard of Uninvest one year ago and I personally invested in the last few months together with four friends of mine. We have already formed a group of about 100 investors but we have a potential of over 2000. What are your expectations of the UInvest Conference? We have already heard great things about UInvest! During these months of working with the company, we were able to verify the solidity, transparency,and customer support service. The timeliness of payments (per minute!) has also pleasantly surprised us. We will attend the event to learn more in depth about the company strategy. We also appreciate the availability for a private conversation, it is important for us to understand UInvest strategy for such an interesting market like Italy. We want to do things properly! Thank you, Fabio! We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends in Los Angeles! |
received many requests from our attendees regarding the attire for the
conference. During the day time sessions and for UInvest meetings the
should be nice casual (no shorts and wife-beaters, please). For the
dinner and banquet on April 30th the attire is upscale casual (shirt,
blazer for
man and a nice evening dress for women).
far, we
have the UICC 2013 attendees who are coming from Canada, USA, Italy,
Barbados, UK, Germany, South Africa, Iceland, Belgium, Pakistan, France,
Philippines, Ukraine, Romania, Nigeria, UAE, and Portugal. A truly
international crowd! Want to represent your country? Sign up to attend
the UICC
2013 Today!
Next letter will be issued on Wednesday 3th of
April. Stay tuned!
Regards, UInvest Support Team.
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/24 14:02
2013/03/24 14:02
New blog post was made. Use it for your success.Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/24 12:11
2013/03/24 12:11
Great news!We received transaction to our LR account from exchange provider one day earlier as they notified us.
With this we will process all pending LR withdrawals tomorrow, on Monday.
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/23 12:18
2013/03/23 12:18
We are still waiting to
receive funds on our LR account. By information already given here, we
will receive it at latest on Monday afternoon CEST time.Most users temporarily use other e-payment processors to pay for our services, so not Liberty Reserve. If more users will pay with LR today or tomorrow, we will be also able to process all withdrawals already on Monday morning.
To your success,
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/22 13:25
2013/03/22 13:25
We want to say thank you to a
member today who cancelled withdrawal request to LR account and
requested payout request to STP account.This way we were able to process it already.
All LR payout requests still wait to be processed until we receive LR funds on our account.
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/21 12:13
2013/03/21 12:13
We proccessed today 2 Liberty
Reserve withdrawals. We received some payments of our services. We are
still waiting on exchange provider to process exchange from
Solidtrustpay to Liberty Liserve funds.
Profit Clicking : (^_^) Too Much Zooming?
Welcome to all our new members!
Yes, we apologize, our web site has
not been working that well during the
last 24-48 hours - technical problems
also, but much of the activity at
Profit Clicking was due to a huge
increase in member participation!
A big "Thank You" to our loyal
followers and now almost 10,000
Elite Marketing Group Members!
Word is getting out that Profit
Clicking is paying again, in fact
even the Basic Ad Package System
is paying quickly - just keep
watching that "Green Light System"!
Find out more about the almost 10,000
Elite Marketing Group Members and
exactly what they are doing at
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business/ elite-marketing-group
Have you heard the news?
During the last 48 hours, a record number
of withdrawals have been requested (and
paid), and during the next 24-48 hours,
we're expecting to pay out record numbers
of withdrawals also.
And this increase each day is expected
to last indefinitely!
One member said,
"Is something wrong with the bucket?,
everyone is reporting withdraws!"
Yes, this is what many have been waiting
for - the "proper" functioning of the
Profit Clicking System - and now it
has arrived!
Warning to greedy members:
Do NOT use automated services to request
a withdrawal from Profit Clicking,
sometimes referred to as "bots" - if we
determine that you have done so, your
account will be blocked for an indefinite
period of time.
Premium Ad Package System Rules!
Much of the success we are experiencing
is due to our new, Premium Ad Package
System - so if you haven't bought any
premium ad packages yet, you're missing
out - remember, you can use a portion
of your basic funds to buy Premium
Ad Packages.
Never forget the two ways to make money:
a) Earn Up to $7,500 a Day by Viewing Sites
The easiest way to earn money in
Profit Clicking is to simply buy
ad packages - the more you buy, the
more you earn.
Here are Your Earnings in 50 Days
Purchase Price Earn Back
$10 $15
$100 $150
$1,000 $1,500
$10,000 $15,000
$100,000 $150,000
Amazing, Easy, and it's true!
Simply log in, buy more ad packages
and view some web sites today at
http://www.profitclicking.com/ login
b) Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral
That's right, just by promoting your web
sites to others, and we teach you how to
do it, you can earn up to $5,000 per day
per referral!
That's without buying any ad packages!
Yes, you have to do something that
you might never have done before, by
telling other people about this business
opportunity, but it's quite easy once
you see how we teach it.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business
Tip of the Day - Spend More Money
If you have funds in your Profit
Clicking Account, either in your
wallet, in the panel system or in
the ad package system, consider
using it to buy more ad packages
or panels - remember, any funds
just sitting in your account for
days, weeks and months are not
earning you any money at all!
It's true!
PC Panel Sunday is where you want to be!
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel Training
for beginner to advanced members! Take
your place in the room
Sunday at 3pm EST / 7pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds are expected.
http://login.meetcheap.com/ conference,pcmeetingroom
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
http://www.profitclicking.com/ million-dollar-challenge
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Profit Clicking
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Profit Clicking Ad Package and
start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if
they create their new Profit Clicking
accounts, they get "$10 of free test
drive" money to easily get started.
(Note that after 45 days, their Profit
Clicking accounts will be debited with
It's very easy to make money with
Profit Clicking:
On our Millionaires' page you can see
that our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same compensation
plan you are looking at today, making
10% from the purchases of direct
referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,
plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying
advertising and selling advertising)
has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned
more than $876,000 each, from the exact
same compensation plan that's available to
you here in Profit Clicking today.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ be-a-millionaire
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can
see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ profitclicking.com
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If
you scroll down to "Country" and click
"More", you can see how we're doing in
various parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome,
and some of the best features of our
system have come from our members,
so feel free to click on "Make a
Suggestion" at the bottom of the
Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
Yes, we apologize, our web site has
not been working that well during the
last 24-48 hours - technical problems
also, but much of the activity at
Profit Clicking was due to a huge
increase in member participation!
A big "Thank You" to our loyal
followers and now almost 10,000
Elite Marketing Group Members!
Word is getting out that Profit
Clicking is paying again, in fact
even the Basic Ad Package System
is paying quickly - just keep
watching that "Green Light System"!
Find out more about the almost 10,000
Elite Marketing Group Members and
exactly what they are doing at
Have you heard the news?
During the last 48 hours, a record number
of withdrawals have been requested (and
paid), and during the next 24-48 hours,
we're expecting to pay out record numbers
of withdrawals also.
And this increase each day is expected
to last indefinitely!
One member said,
"Is something wrong with the bucket?,
everyone is reporting withdraws!"
Yes, this is what many have been waiting
for - the "proper" functioning of the
Profit Clicking System - and now it
has arrived!
Warning to greedy members:
Do NOT use automated services to request
a withdrawal from Profit Clicking,
sometimes referred to as "bots" - if we
determine that you have done so, your
account will be blocked for an indefinite
period of time.
Premium Ad Package System Rules!
Much of the success we are experiencing
is due to our new, Premium Ad Package
System - so if you haven't bought any
premium ad packages yet, you're missing
out - remember, you can use a portion
of your basic funds to buy Premium
Ad Packages.
Never forget the two ways to make money:
a) Earn Up to $7,500 a Day by Viewing Sites
The easiest way to earn money in
Profit Clicking is to simply buy
ad packages - the more you buy, the
more you earn.
Here are Your Earnings in 50 Days
Purchase Price Earn Back
$10 $15
$100 $150
$1,000 $1,500
$10,000 $15,000
$100,000 $150,000
Amazing, Easy, and it's true!
Simply log in, buy more ad packages
and view some web sites today at
b) Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral
That's right, just by promoting your web
sites to others, and we teach you how to
do it, you can earn up to $5,000 per day
per referral!
That's without buying any ad packages!
Yes, you have to do something that
you might never have done before, by
telling other people about this business
opportunity, but it's quite easy once
you see how we teach it.
Tip of the Day - Spend More Money
If you have funds in your Profit
Clicking Account, either in your
wallet, in the panel system or in
the ad package system, consider
using it to buy more ad packages
or panels - remember, any funds
just sitting in your account for
days, weeks and months are not
earning you any money at all!
It's true!
PC Panel Sunday is where you want to be!
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel Training
for beginner to advanced members! Take
your place in the room
Sunday at 3pm EST / 7pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds are expected.
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Profit Clicking
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Profit Clicking Ad Package and
start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if
they create their new Profit Clicking
accounts, they get "$10 of free test
drive" money to easily get started.
(Note that after 45 days, their Profit
Clicking accounts will be debited with
It's very easy to make money with
Profit Clicking:
On our Millionaires' page you can see
that our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same compensation
plan you are looking at today, making
10% from the purchases of direct
referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,
plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying
advertising and selling advertising)
has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned
more than $876,000 each, from the exact
same compensation plan that's available to
you here in Profit Clicking today.
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can
see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If
you scroll down to "Country" and click
"More", you can see how we're doing in
various parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome,
and some of the best features of our
system have come from our members,
so feel free to click on "Make a
Suggestion" at the bottom of the
Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
Profit Clicking : (^_^) Withdrawals are Zooming!!
Welcome to all our new members!
Yes, if you've been waiting for the red
light to turn green, you're going to be
very happy to read this update!
During the last 24 hours, a record number
of withdrawals have been requested (and
paid), and during the next 24-48 hours,
we're expecting to pay out record numbers
of withdrawals also.
And this increase each day is expected
to last indefinitely!
One member said,
"Is something wrong with the bucket?,
everyone is reporting withdraws!"
Yes, this is what many have been waiting
for - the "proper" functioning of the
Profit Clicking System - and now it
has arrived!
Warning to greedy members:
Do NOT use automated services to request
a withdrawal from Profit Clicking,
sometimes referred to as "bots" - if we
determine that you have done so, your
account will be blocked for an indefinite
period of time.
Premium Ad Package System Rules!
Much of the success we are experiencing
is due to our new, Premium Ad Package
System - so if you haven't bought any
premium ad packages yet, you're missing
out - remember, you can use a portion
of your basic funds to buy Premium
Ad Packages.
Here is another way to explain why the
Premium Ad Package System was launched:
Think about this analogy:
You are an owner of a store that has been
open for a few years and the sales have
slowed down - this is often a typical
occurrence in business, for various
Even though you still have your regular
customers, the excitement of having a
new place to go to shop would attract
many new customers, right?
You don't sell the business and tear
down the building, right? You love your
business, the location and the customers.
So you devise a plan to expand!
Your new establishment is built, you
use the same staff, the same concept,
the same products, but with a fresh,
new look and more updated merchandise.
And your Grand Opening, is a huge
Now you can take the extra revenues
from your strong, new income stream
and renovate the original store,
balancing out what it was lacking,
regenerating steady and strong sales.
And NOW you have 2 fully operational
income streams that will carry on for
years to come!
Profit Clicking has done just that!
You now have two, viable, fully
operational income streams, the original
Basic Ad Package system and the new
Premium Ad Package system.
Profit Clicking is dedicated to providing
a place for members to advertise and
receive substantial commissions for
selling advertising.
Think about the massive sales you can
generate with the Premium Ad Packages
in combination with the Basic Gift Cards.
With the daily sales commissions your
customers will see in their accounts,
and the withdrawals they can request
EVERY SINGLE DAY, the Premium Ad
Packages practically sell themselves.
But remember to NOT neglect your original,
Basic account and keep repurchasing Basic
Ad Packages! You are going to want to
keep that account active for good reasons:
- You can buy Basic Gift Cards with your
balance, sending them to new signups,
older referrals and use them as a "hot
item" to promote your business
- You have a Panel system in your Basic
account. The more Ad Packages you own,
the more Panels you will fill and complete,
earning you up to $60 for each completed
panel - remember that 50% of your expired
Ad packages will fill your OWN Panels,
so it is important to keep that wheel
turning. Also keep up with your
Accelerator purchases in your Basic Panels,
to get those prepared for filling
- There might be times in the future,
when the premium system is not working
as you had expected, but then the basic
system could working great - keep in
mind that Profit Shifts will keep both
ad package systems working optimally.
PC Panel Thursday is where you want to be!
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel Training
for beginner to advanced members! Take
your place in the room
Thursday at 3pm EST / 7pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds
are expected.
http://login.meetcheap.com/ conference,pcmeetingroom
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
http://www.profitclicking.com/ million-dollar-challenge
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Profit Clicking
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Profit Clicking Ad Package and
start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if
they create their new Profit Clicking
accounts, they get "$10 of free test
drive" money to easily get started.
(Note that after 45 days, their Profit
Clicking accounts will be debited with
It's very easy to make money with
Profit Clicking:
On our Millionaires' page you can see
that our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same compensation
plan you are looking at today, making
10% from the purchases of direct
referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,
plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying
advertising and selling advertising)
has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned
more than $876,000 each, from the exact
same compensation plan that's available to
you here in Profit Clicking today.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ be-a-millionaire
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can
see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ profitclicking.com
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If
you scroll down to "Country" and click
"More", you can see how we're doing in
various parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome,
and some of the best features of our
system have come from our members,
so feel free to click on "Make a
Suggestion" at the bottom of the
Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
Yes, if you've been waiting for the red
light to turn green, you're going to be
very happy to read this update!
During the last 24 hours, a record number
of withdrawals have been requested (and
paid), and during the next 24-48 hours,
we're expecting to pay out record numbers
of withdrawals also.
And this increase each day is expected
to last indefinitely!
One member said,
"Is something wrong with the bucket?,
everyone is reporting withdraws!"
Yes, this is what many have been waiting
for - the "proper" functioning of the
Profit Clicking System - and now it
has arrived!
Warning to greedy members:
Do NOT use automated services to request
a withdrawal from Profit Clicking,
sometimes referred to as "bots" - if we
determine that you have done so, your
account will be blocked for an indefinite
period of time.
Premium Ad Package System Rules!
Much of the success we are experiencing
is due to our new, Premium Ad Package
System - so if you haven't bought any
premium ad packages yet, you're missing
out - remember, you can use a portion
of your basic funds to buy Premium
Ad Packages.
Here is another way to explain why the
Premium Ad Package System was launched:
Think about this analogy:
You are an owner of a store that has been
open for a few years and the sales have
slowed down - this is often a typical
occurrence in business, for various
Even though you still have your regular
customers, the excitement of having a
new place to go to shop would attract
many new customers, right?
You don't sell the business and tear
down the building, right? You love your
business, the location and the customers.
So you devise a plan to expand!
Your new establishment is built, you
use the same staff, the same concept,
the same products, but with a fresh,
new look and more updated merchandise.
And your Grand Opening, is a huge
Now you can take the extra revenues
from your strong, new income stream
and renovate the original store,
balancing out what it was lacking,
regenerating steady and strong sales.
And NOW you have 2 fully operational
income streams that will carry on for
years to come!
Profit Clicking has done just that!
You now have two, viable, fully
operational income streams, the original
Basic Ad Package system and the new
Premium Ad Package system.
Profit Clicking is dedicated to providing
a place for members to advertise and
receive substantial commissions for
selling advertising.
Think about the massive sales you can
generate with the Premium Ad Packages
in combination with the Basic Gift Cards.
With the daily sales commissions your
customers will see in their accounts,
and the withdrawals they can request
EVERY SINGLE DAY, the Premium Ad
Packages practically sell themselves.
But remember to NOT neglect your original,
Basic account and keep repurchasing Basic
Ad Packages! You are going to want to
keep that account active for good reasons:
- You can buy Basic Gift Cards with your
balance, sending them to new signups,
older referrals and use them as a "hot
item" to promote your business
- You have a Panel system in your Basic
account. The more Ad Packages you own,
the more Panels you will fill and complete,
earning you up to $60 for each completed
panel - remember that 50% of your expired
Ad packages will fill your OWN Panels,
so it is important to keep that wheel
turning. Also keep up with your
Accelerator purchases in your Basic Panels,
to get those prepared for filling
- There might be times in the future,
when the premium system is not working
as you had expected, but then the basic
system could working great - keep in
mind that Profit Shifts will keep both
ad package systems working optimally.
PC Panel Thursday is where you want to be!
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel Training
for beginner to advanced members! Take
your place in the room
Thursday at 3pm EST / 7pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds
are expected.
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the
first time. By seeing that "$10 free
test drive" in their Profit Clicking
accounts, they can immediately buy
a Profit Clicking Ad Package and
start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if
they create their new Profit Clicking
accounts, they get "$10 of free test
drive" money to easily get started.
(Note that after 45 days, their Profit
Clicking accounts will be debited with
It's very easy to make money with
Profit Clicking:
On our Millionaires' page you can see
that our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same compensation
plan you are looking at today, making
10% from the purchases of direct
referrals and 5% from their 2nd Level,
plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying
advertising and selling advertising)
has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned
more than $876,000 each, from the exact
same compensation plan that's available to
you here in Profit Clicking today.
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can
see from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If
you scroll down to "Country" and click
"More", you can see how we're doing in
various parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome,
and some of the best features of our
system have come from our members,
so feel free to click on "Make a
Suggestion" at the bottom of the
Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any
program that's easier to make money with
than Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to
become "the program everyone in the
know joins." If you join immediately,
you can tell your friends and contacts
about it -- before they join under
someone else.
U Invest : Conference Newsletter 20 MAR 2013
Conference newsletter
Konstantinos, thank you for agreeing to give an interview for our UICC2013 weekly newsletter.
This is a surprise for me and thank you very much for giving me thisopportunity. Au contraire, it is our pleasure! Please, tell our readers, how long you havebeen a uinvestor. I joined Uinvest in November 2011, starting with a small amount. I was veryskeptical in the beginning as the returns are very high and in the past I hadlost money investing in other schemes. However, as the time passed I gainedmore confidence and started investing more.In May 2012 I also bought GUN shares and I do not regret it :).The main thing that makes me believe that Uinvest is a company that aims tochange the world of investments is that they constantly improve their services,add new features, and take suggestions from uinvestors seriously. On the other hand, I am happy that I can help real companies that need money toexpand and contribute in the development of the country they operate in. Thank you for such an amazing feedback, Konstantinos! Your have recently registered to attend the UICC 2013. What do you expect fromthis event? My expectations for the conference are to meet with the Uinvest team, to findout about future developments, to see how I can get involved more with thecompany, to meet fellows uinvestors, to meet business owners, and, last but notleast, to have some FUN in LA :) I can’t wait to be there!! We can’t wait to see you there as well! Thank you for your interview and have asafe flight to LA! |
order to
make reservations, uinvestors should call the hotel directly:
1-310-553-6561 (local Los Angeles number) or email the reservations
Guests calling must identify themselves as calling for the UInvest rate of$169.00/per night plus tax. |
days of the conference, we will be scheduling personalized and small
group meetings for the attendees with the UInvest staff at our Beverly
Hillsoffice. To help accommodate your requests, we would like to receive
an emailfrom you with your preferred date and times. You must send an
to EdinaMartin at: registration@
Next letter will be issued on Wednesday 27th of
March. Stay tuned!
Regards, UInvest Support Team.
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/19 16:16
2013/03/19 16:16
We are waiting to receive LR funds on our account from exchange providers.For all who will make payout requests to LR today or in next days we are notifying you that it might take longer to be processed.
If you want to receive withdrawals faster please cancel your withdrawal requests to LR and request again to your STP account. This will be processed in 24 - 48 hours.
When we receive funds to our LR (it might take few days) from exchange providers, all LR withdrawals will be processed as normal.
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/17 19:53
2013/03/17 19:53
FAQ page was updated today. Read it to get the most from our services.Meshtalk team
U Invest : Financial Partners online status is now available
Financial Partners online status is now available
Monday, 09:45
18 March 2013
Financial Partners online status is now available in offers list and FP profile.
U Invest : UIdonate site updated
UIdonate site updated
Monday, 08:17
18 March 2013
Dear Uinvestors,
We are pleased to announce that we have updated our website, to feature information on lots of children who need your help. Let us remind you that UIdonate is a subsidiary project of UInvest which provides an opportunity to donate to children.
We continue collaborating with two Ukrainian charity organizations:
“Hope and Belief”, which helps children with cancer. The fund provides an addressed help to kids and all the proceeds go towards the purchase of necessary medicine. You yourself can choose which child to donate.
“Likarinfund”, a project – “Move into life!” for kids with cerebral paralysis. The organization spreads out the donations depending on which child is undergoing rehabilitation at the moment.
We, the employees of UInvest, are convinced that the more a person can give, the more they get, and we are pleased that Uinvestors share this opinion with us as well.
Making a donation is easy - simply fill out the form with the child's name and the amount you would like to donate (there is no minimum amount).
Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Uidonatecom
and Twitter twitter.com/uidonatecom
Thank you!
We are pleased to announce that we have updated our website, to feature information on lots of children who need your help. Let us remind you that UIdonate is a subsidiary project of UInvest which provides an opportunity to donate to children.
We continue collaborating with two Ukrainian charity organizations:
“Hope and Belief”, which helps children with cancer. The fund provides an addressed help to kids and all the proceeds go towards the purchase of necessary medicine. You yourself can choose which child to donate.
“Likarinfund”, a project – “Move into life!” for kids with cerebral paralysis. The organization spreads out the donations depending on which child is undergoing rehabilitation at the moment.
We, the employees of UInvest, are convinced that the more a person can give, the more they get, and we are pleased that Uinvestors share this opinion with us as well.
Making a donation is easy - simply fill out the form with the child's name and the amount you would like to donate (there is no minimum amount).
Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Uidonatecom
and Twitter twitter.com/uidonatecom
Thank you!
TriDeci : TriDeci Update - March 19, Quick Update and Competition Winners.
Good Day Folks,
Congratulations to our winners of the Most Upgraded Direct Referrals competition we held this week.
1st Prize - 15 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Mike Haggie with 24 upgraded direct referrals.
2nd Prize - 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Ken Russo with 16
3rd Prize - 5 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Todd Hirsch with 14
Its awesome to see the progress we are now making. 36 days online and we have 7371 members, over a thousand who are ACTIVE or higher status, and many, many more who are CASUALS or at least making full use of the No-Cost Trial.
We are still growing by an average between 200 to 300 new members a day and traffic to the site is steadily growing so of course we can expect this number to continue rising.
Our Alexa ranking is now 18,869. That means we are in the top 20,000 Most Visited Sites in the world. Not bad for just over 5 weeks!
Also, and this is another stunning statistic, since we opened we have generated over 4.2 Million page views with nearly 50 million text and banner impressions!
Some more great stats for our first 5 weeks:
Our two top earners have both made over TEN THOUSAND dollars!
Total cashouts we have already paid out exceed $66K!
Top two referrers are Sindhu Thomas with 423 Referrals, and Mike Haggie with 342.
So there you go folks. Are you still in doubt whether our Daily Income System is worth the effort?
Consider this. There are 11, yes ELEVEN different ways that you can earn a commission or bonus with TriDeci!
So lets make that a mini competition for this week. First five people who can email a list of them all to support@trideci.com will receive two Tier 1 Cycler Positions!
Good luck and the best of success to you all.
Trideci Admin.
Congratulations to our winners of the Most Upgraded Direct Referrals competition we held this week.
1st Prize - 15 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Mike Haggie with 24 upgraded direct referrals.
2nd Prize - 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Ken Russo with 16
3rd Prize - 5 Tier 1 Cycler Positions - To Todd Hirsch with 14
Its awesome to see the progress we are now making. 36 days online and we have 7371 members, over a thousand who are ACTIVE or higher status, and many, many more who are CASUALS or at least making full use of the No-Cost Trial.
We are still growing by an average between 200 to 300 new members a day and traffic to the site is steadily growing so of course we can expect this number to continue rising.
Our Alexa ranking is now 18,869. That means we are in the top 20,000 Most Visited Sites in the world. Not bad for just over 5 weeks!
Also, and this is another stunning statistic, since we opened we have generated over 4.2 Million page views with nearly 50 million text and banner impressions!
Some more great stats for our first 5 weeks:
Our two top earners have both made over TEN THOUSAND dollars!
Total cashouts we have already paid out exceed $66K!
Top two referrers are Sindhu Thomas with 423 Referrals, and Mike Haggie with 342.
So there you go folks. Are you still in doubt whether our Daily Income System is worth the effort?
Consider this. There are 11, yes ELEVEN different ways that you can earn a commission or bonus with TriDeci!
So lets make that a mini competition for this week. First five people who can email a list of them all to support@trideci.com will receive two Tier 1 Cycler Positions!
Good luck and the best of success to you all.
Trideci Admin.
TriDeci : Referral Upgrades Competion Update - March 18 - 8 hours to go!
Hey Folks,
Just a quick update on our competition to find the member with the most direct referrals who upgraded this week.
Currently in first is Mike Haggie with 24 and is streaks ahead.
But 2nd and 3rd places are still up for grabs with a good possiblity that a late mover could find themselves in the winning seats.
Check it out at:
http://www.trideci.com/ meetpoint.php
Prizes as a reminder, 1st - 15 Tier 1 Cycler Positions, 2nd - 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions, 3rd - 5 Tier 1 Cycler Positions.
Defintely worth a shot, there is still 8 hours to go!
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin
Just a quick update on our competition to find the member with the most direct referrals who upgraded this week.
Currently in first is Mike Haggie with 24 and is streaks ahead.
But 2nd and 3rd places are still up for grabs with a good possiblity that a late mover could find themselves in the winning seats.
Check it out at:
Prizes as a reminder, 1st - 15 Tier 1 Cycler Positions, 2nd - 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions, 3rd - 5 Tier 1 Cycler Positions.
Defintely worth a shot, there is still 8 hours to go!
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin
Profit Clicking : (^_^) Profit Clicking is ZOOMING!!
Welcome to all our new members!
Profit Clicking is Zooming!
Premium ad package sales are Zooming!
Basic ad package repurchasing is Zooming!
Premium Withdrawals are Zooming!
The Green Light Withdrawals System is
Profit Clicking's Traffic Exchange is
The Elite Marketing Group is Zooming!
It's all true, so log in to check it out
for yourself!
http://www.profitclickin.com/ login
1. Get Involved and Become Successful
There are so many ways to participate in
Profit Clicking:
1) Keep your funds in the system working
for you - if your account has funds in it
that you do not plan to withdraw the,
during the next few days,
- buy more ad packages - earning you more
- buy basic gift cards - helping others
make money
- buy basic panel accelerators - see panel
- upgrade your account - important
2) Take advantage of all the success
training available to Profit Clicking
Members - this information can change your
- Upgrade Your Brain Success Training
- Big Success Breakthrough - for upgraded
Just click on "Store/My Products" in the
left sidebar on your DashBoard in the
Member Area
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard
3) Promote your web site to others and
make unlimited amounts of money from
commissions - and we even teach you how,
for free!
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business/ tell-us-how
Profit Clicking is all about making EVERY
MEMBER successful, not just for those who
get into the program first, or those who
are friends of the family or those who can
promote their web site best.
2. How to Give Gift Cards to Referrals
Here's how to activate many of your
referrals who are no longer active in
Profit Clicking:
1) Send them an E-mail first, to find out
how they are doing - then offer them a
gift card, matching anything they buy for
ad packages up to a certain amount you
have budgeted,
2) If that doesn't work, offer to help
them fund their Profit Clicking Account by
selling them a gift card - after they pay
you, send a gift card to the E-mail
address associated with their Profit
Clicking Account.
3) And if that doesn't work, simply give
them a gift card so they can buy some ad
packages and see the potential in the
system and how it works.
3. How to Get New Referrals with Gift
Need new referrals? Yes, of course you do!
It's so easy to give away money - try the
following E-mail to practically buy your
referrals on the spot!
Subject: Join under me and I'll give you
$50 to start!
Hi there,
I've been making so much money with this
program, it's incredible, so I'd like to
offer you $50 of real advertising and cash
benefits to start!
All you have to do is sign up under my
link and I'll send you all the details to
get started, including the $50 - I
[Your Referral URL]
Talk to you soon!
Your Name
4. Over 8,100 Elite Marketing Group
Now with over 8,100 opted in, the Elite
Marketing Group has been successfully
giving extra assistance to marketers, to
promote businesses of all types.
This popular service is provided free by
Profit Clicking. Simply, login and click
on the silver banner at the top of the
page and opt in, or click on the following
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business/ elite-marketing-group
Profit Clicking Staff has been working
very hard to improve the site and bring
new products and services for the
membership. We would like to again thank
you for your patience during this time. It
will only get better, so look for more
improvements and opportunities coming in
the next weeks and months.
5. PC Panel Sunday is where you want to
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel
Training for beginner to advanced members!
Take your place in the room
Sunday at 3pm EST / 8pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds are
http://login.meetcheap.com/ conference,pcmeetingroom
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
6. Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
http://www.profitclicking.com/ million-dollar-challenge
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the first
time. By seeing that "$10 free test drive"
in their Profit Clicking accounts, they
can immediately buy a Profit Clicking Ad
Package and start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if they
create their new Profit Clicking accounts,
they get "$10 of free test drive" money to
easily get started. (Note that after 45
days, their Profit Clicking accounts will
be debited with $10.00)
It's very easy to make money with Profit
On our Millionaires' page you can see that
our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same
compensation plan you are looking at
today, making 10% from the purchases of
direct referrals and 5% from their 2nd
Level, plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying advertising
and selling advertising) has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned more
than $876,000 each, from the exact same
compensation plan that's available to you
here in Profit Clicking today.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ be-a-millionaire
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can see
from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ profitclicking.com
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If you
scroll down to "Country" and click "More",
you can see how we're doing in various
parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome, and
some of the best features of our system
have come from our members, so feel free
to click on "Make a Suggestion" at the
bottom of the Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than
Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell your
friends and contacts about it -- before
they join under someone else.
Profit Clicking is Zooming!
Premium ad package sales are Zooming!
Basic ad package repurchasing is Zooming!
Premium Withdrawals are Zooming!
The Green Light Withdrawals System is
Profit Clicking's Traffic Exchange is
The Elite Marketing Group is Zooming!
It's all true, so log in to check it out
for yourself!
1. Get Involved and Become Successful
There are so many ways to participate in
Profit Clicking:
1) Keep your funds in the system working
for you - if your account has funds in it
that you do not plan to withdraw the,
during the next few days,
- buy more ad packages - earning you more
- buy basic gift cards - helping others
make money
- buy basic panel accelerators - see panel
- upgrade your account - important
2) Take advantage of all the success
training available to Profit Clicking
Members - this information can change your
- Upgrade Your Brain Success Training
- Big Success Breakthrough - for upgraded
Just click on "Store/My Products" in the
left sidebar on your DashBoard in the
Member Area
3) Promote your web site to others and
make unlimited amounts of money from
commissions - and we even teach you how,
for free!
Profit Clicking is all about making EVERY
MEMBER successful, not just for those who
get into the program first, or those who
are friends of the family or those who can
promote their web site best.
2. How to Give Gift Cards to Referrals
Here's how to activate many of your
referrals who are no longer active in
Profit Clicking:
1) Send them an E-mail first, to find out
how they are doing - then offer them a
gift card, matching anything they buy for
ad packages up to a certain amount you
have budgeted,
2) If that doesn't work, offer to help
them fund their Profit Clicking Account by
selling them a gift card - after they pay
you, send a gift card to the E-mail
address associated with their Profit
Clicking Account.
3) And if that doesn't work, simply give
them a gift card so they can buy some ad
packages and see the potential in the
system and how it works.
3. How to Get New Referrals with Gift
Need new referrals? Yes, of course you do!
It's so easy to give away money - try the
following E-mail to practically buy your
referrals on the spot!
Subject: Join under me and I'll give you
$50 to start!
Hi there,
I've been making so much money with this
program, it's incredible, so I'd like to
offer you $50 of real advertising and cash
benefits to start!
All you have to do is sign up under my
link and I'll send you all the details to
get started, including the $50 - I
[Your Referral URL]
Talk to you soon!
Your Name
4. Over 8,100 Elite Marketing Group
Now with over 8,100 opted in, the Elite
Marketing Group has been successfully
giving extra assistance to marketers, to
promote businesses of all types.
This popular service is provided free by
Profit Clicking. Simply, login and click
on the silver banner at the top of the
page and opt in, or click on the following
Profit Clicking Staff has been working
very hard to improve the site and bring
new products and services for the
membership. We would like to again thank
you for your patience during this time. It
will only get better, so look for more
improvements and opportunities coming in
the next weeks and months.
5. PC Panel Sunday is where you want to
Be sure to attend our new PC Panel
Training for beginner to advanced members!
Take your place in the room
Sunday at 3pm EST / 8pm GMT.
Get in a few minutes early as hundreds are
It's fun, informative, and once you apply
this valuable knowledge you will complete
more panels just by being a little more
proactive. At the end of the year, you'll
see very impressive results from all those
$60 Rebates!
Have you checked out "MY PC PANELS" on the
left side of your Dashboard yet? It's a
fabulous resource for you. There's a PDF
document there that you can download and
read when you have time. You can email it
to your referrals to become a valuable
resource for them.
PC Panels are where the big money is!
Isn't that where you want to be?
6. Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the first
time. By seeing that "$10 free test drive"
in their Profit Clicking accounts, they
can immediately buy a Profit Clicking Ad
Package and start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if they
create their new Profit Clicking accounts,
they get "$10 of free test drive" money to
easily get started. (Note that after 45
days, their Profit Clicking accounts will
be debited with $10.00)
It's very easy to make money with Profit
On our Millionaires' page you can see that
our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,247,000 from the exact same
compensation plan you are looking at
today, making 10% from the purchases of
direct referrals and 5% from their 2nd
Level, plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying advertising
and selling advertising) has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned more
than $876,000 each, from the exact same
compensation plan that's available to you
here in Profit Clicking today.
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can see
from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 242 in the entire world!
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If you
scroll down to "Country" and click "More",
you can see how we're doing in various
parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome, and
some of the best features of our system
have come from our members, so feel free
to click on "Make a Suggestion" at the
bottom of the Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than
Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell your
friends and contacts about it -- before
they join under someone else.
Fast Cash Mega : More Great Things Coming... (info)
I start I want to say this:
Our plan is working very well. We successfully launched PIP MEGA about 2 months ago and Mega Money Hybrid about 2 weeks ago. Both programs are doing very well (even better than we expected) but there's more to come...
If you have read our plan you know we'll launch another new program later this year. This program is an idea I have for quite some time and on paper it looks like a big money maker. It will be a lot of work to get this program off the ground but I think when you see how it works you'll get a big smile on your face. With this system you will keep earning more and more once you get it rolling. On paper earnings are huge. Our goal is to make this program many times bigger than FCM. It certainly has the potential. Will take a few moths to have this ready but I will keep you posted as always.
My assistant is a SEO genius and got FCM on the first page of Google within a few weeks. He writes aricles, makes videos, does social media etc. etc. but next to that he has great ideas too. One of his ideas is to set up services like create websites and promotion. We're working on setting that up at the FCM blog. I think it will be very good because others don't have the SEO technique he has.
We also talked about doing business offline. We have a great plan that looks like big money. This is long term (will take maybe 2 years to set this up) but it's next to the income streams we got running or are working on so it will be extra money (a whole lot if we can pull it off).
We're going to make commercial ad rotators at FCM and maybe MMH too. People can buy ads that will be seen much more often because there are not many ads in the rotator like the members ads. They don't buy credits but pay per week or per month. This means they get unlimited impressions for a fixed amount. Earnings from selling these ads will help speed up things more in FCM (even though we're already doing well with our plan).
We made a deal with a company to promote binary options. Binary Options is something we have been doing for some time already. In the PIP we even have a binary options pool but at the moment we don't have the time to do those trades (we will get back to that soon though). You can earn a lot fast with binary options if you have a good system. We want to bring this to your attention. Not just because we earn from promoting this but more because you can earn a lot when you do this right. There are already banners on the FCM site that will take you to a page that explains the strategy but we will also send you an email in English and in Russian (because we really have a lot of Russian members) to inform you about this way of making money. It has gained a lot of popularity since it been introduced a few years ago. When you get the email just read the information and then go to the site and read the information there too. See if this is something for you. Don't rush into this if you find it interesting. Take the time to study the strategy and see if you can work with it. Keep in mind you can earn a lot but of course you can lose too.
Ok, that's it for now. I think you already know we enabled Payza withdrawals again in FCM. If not please read our previous update (it's in the news section). Talk soon.
Our plan is working very well. We successfully launched PIP MEGA about 2 months ago and Mega Money Hybrid about 2 weeks ago. Both programs are doing very well (even better than we expected) but there's more to come...
If you have read our plan you know we'll launch another new program later this year. This program is an idea I have for quite some time and on paper it looks like a big money maker. It will be a lot of work to get this program off the ground but I think when you see how it works you'll get a big smile on your face. With this system you will keep earning more and more once you get it rolling. On paper earnings are huge. Our goal is to make this program many times bigger than FCM. It certainly has the potential. Will take a few moths to have this ready but I will keep you posted as always.
My assistant is a SEO genius and got FCM on the first page of Google within a few weeks. He writes aricles, makes videos, does social media etc. etc. but next to that he has great ideas too. One of his ideas is to set up services like create websites and promotion. We're working on setting that up at the FCM blog. I think it will be very good because others don't have the SEO technique he has.
We also talked about doing business offline. We have a great plan that looks like big money. This is long term (will take maybe 2 years to set this up) but it's next to the income streams we got running or are working on so it will be extra money (a whole lot if we can pull it off).
We're going to make commercial ad rotators at FCM and maybe MMH too. People can buy ads that will be seen much more often because there are not many ads in the rotator like the members ads. They don't buy credits but pay per week or per month. This means they get unlimited impressions for a fixed amount. Earnings from selling these ads will help speed up things more in FCM (even though we're already doing well with our plan).
We made a deal with a company to promote binary options. Binary Options is something we have been doing for some time already. In the PIP we even have a binary options pool but at the moment we don't have the time to do those trades (we will get back to that soon though). You can earn a lot fast with binary options if you have a good system. We want to bring this to your attention. Not just because we earn from promoting this but more because you can earn a lot when you do this right. There are already banners on the FCM site that will take you to a page that explains the strategy but we will also send you an email in English and in Russian (because we really have a lot of Russian members) to inform you about this way of making money. It has gained a lot of popularity since it been introduced a few years ago. When you get the email just read the information and then go to the site and read the information there too. See if this is something for you. Don't rush into this if you find it interesting. Take the time to study the strategy and see if you can work with it. Keep in mind you can earn a lot but of course you can lose too.
Ok, that's it for now. I think you already know we enabled Payza withdrawals again in FCM. If not please read our previous update (it's in the news section). Talk soon.
Fast Cash Mega : Payza Withdrawals and More... (please read)
will be very short so I know for sure you'll read it because it's
As announced earlier we're going to enable Payza withdrawals again slowly. We'll start with max $50 withdrawal per member every 48 hours but keep in mind that there is also the daily limit for all members so when that is reached you can't withdraw at that moment and have to try again later.
To avoid spending a lot of time on checking withdrawals for exchanging we decided to set the same 4% withdrawal fee on all payment processors. This means the withdrawal fee for Liberty Reserve will be lower (from 6% to 4%).
We're making a lot of progress with our plan so we're trying to go faster. Please make sure you stay updated on that by reading the information we send.
At the moment in Egopay the mass payment feature is returning an error saying the file is not in the right format but it's the same we always use so there's something wrong there.
We have to wait till they fix this because there are too many payments to do manually. I don't think it will be long before they fix this.
I will keep it short like this. The above information is very important so make sure you read it so you know what's going on. Thanks. Talk soon.
As announced earlier we're going to enable Payza withdrawals again slowly. We'll start with max $50 withdrawal per member every 48 hours but keep in mind that there is also the daily limit for all members so when that is reached you can't withdraw at that moment and have to try again later.
To avoid spending a lot of time on checking withdrawals for exchanging we decided to set the same 4% withdrawal fee on all payment processors. This means the withdrawal fee for Liberty Reserve will be lower (from 6% to 4%).
We're making a lot of progress with our plan so we're trying to go faster. Please make sure you stay updated on that by reading the information we send.
At the moment in Egopay the mass payment feature is returning an error saying the file is not in the right format but it's the same we always use so there's something wrong there.
We have to wait till they fix this because there are too many payments to do manually. I don't think it will be long before they fix this.
I will keep it short like this. The above information is very important so make sure you read it so you know what's going on. Thanks. Talk soon.
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/11 22:48
2013/03/11 22:48
We are in process of training
new all level administrators to reply to all your support tickets and
process everything else as soon as possible. We also updated our FAQ and
TOS pages on MeshtalkClicks website.Try to learn as much as possible about our program to profit each day at maximum possible level.
To your success!
Meshtalk team
Mesh Talk : 2013/03/10 19:44
2013/03/10 19:44
With last implemented modules
and settings on MeshtalkClicks website we reached additional
sustainability of the program already before launching of new script and
additional income streams we prepare for you.During few next month we are preparing exciting news for you about additional income streams that you will get by using our domain, hosting and advertising services. You will not need to do anything else as you do now and new income streams will be activated for you completely automatically.
But if you will study precisely about our program and services, your income will grow even much faster.
Meshtalk team
OKPay : Bitcoin processing temporarily suspended
3/12/2013 Bitcoin processing has been temporarily suspended. A bitcoin block too big for version 0.7 was mined by miners using version 0.8, creating a fork in the blockchain. After some deliberation in the community, it was decided that miners should downgrade their version and continue the 0.7 fork until the issue is resolved.
In order to avoid any possible problems it was decided to temporally suspend all bitcoin deposits.
Bitcoin deposits will be restored as soon as situation will be stable and clear. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you. Thank you for your patience.
PayZa : Scheduled Upgrade of Payza Support Center
The upgrade will be implemented at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, March 13, 2012. The implementation will take approximately one hour. During that time, you will not be able to access the Payza FAQs, Live Chat, or submit emails to Customer Support.
If you require immediate assistance while the Payza Support Center is being upgraded, the Customer Support call center will be open as normal.
PayZa : Withdraw Funds by Bank Transfer Now Available
Great news! Bank transfer withdrawals are now available!
We are happy to announce that bank transfer withdrawals are now
available in select countries. Payza members in the countries below can
now withdraw money from their e-wallets using the Withdraw Funds by Bank
Transfer feature.Not a Payza member? Sign up for a free account now!
Related articles:
- Add Funds by Bank Wire Now Available
- Withdraw Funds by Bank Wire Now Available
- How to Add Funds to your E-Wallet by Bank Wire or Bank Transfer
- Austria
- Belgium
- Cyprus
- Finland
- France
- French Guiana
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Mayotte
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Saint Pierre & Miquelon
- San Marino
- Slovakia
- Spain
PayZa : Withdraw Funds by Bank Wire Now Available
Great news! Bank wire withdrawals are back!
We are happy to announce that bank wire withdrawals are now available
for Payza members in most countries. Payza members can now withdraw
money from their e-wallets using the Withdraw Funds by Bank Wire
feature.Not a Payza member? Sign up for a free account now!
Related articles:
- Add Funds by Bank Wire Now Available
- How to Add Funds to your E-Wallet by Bank Wire or Bank Transfer
- Albania
- Algeria
- American Samoa
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Antigua
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Australia
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belize
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bouvet Island
- Brazil
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cape Verde
- Cayman Islands
- Chile
- China
- Christmas Island
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Falkland Islands
- Faroe Islands
- Fiji
- French Polynesia
- French Southern Territories
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Gibraltar
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Guadeloupe
- Guatemala
- Guernsey
- Guinea
- Guinea Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Israel
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kiribati
- Korea, South
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Islands
- Martinique
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Micronesia, Federated States of
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Montserrat
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Netherlands Antilles
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Niue
- Norfolk Island
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Oman
- Palau
- Palestine
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Pitcairn
- Qatar
- Reunion
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Samoa
- Sao Tome & Prin.
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- South Africa
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- Sri Lanka
- St. Helena
- Suriname
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tokelau
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- United States Minor Outlying Islands
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Vatican City State
- Venezuela
- Virgin Islands (British)
- Virgin Islands (U.S.)
- Wallis and Futuna Islands
- Western Sahara
- Zambia
Liberty Reserve : Scheduled Maintenance - March 15, 02:00pm UTC
Scheduled Maintenance - March 15, 02:00pm UTC
Liberty Reserve will be unavailable on:
March 15, between 02:00 (pm) and 05:00 (pm)(UTC)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.
March 15, between 02:00 (pm) and 05:00 (pm)(UTC)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.
U Invest : Let's compile news all together!
Let's compile news all together!
Wednesday, 10:52
13 March 2013
If you think that you have some information that will be interesting to our clients, please send it to pr@uinvest.com.ua, and we will be happy to publish it!
All the best from UInvest
All the best from UInvest
U Invest : Important information about electronic certificates
Important information about electronic certificates
Wednesday, 10:51
13 March 2013
As you might have noticed, the
text body of the electronic certificates has been changed. Our
company's activities correspond to international business and law
standards, that is why the content of the certificates should
correspond to them as well. Let us provide answers to the most
frequently asked questions regarding this matter.
1. Why have you completely changed certificates?
At this stage our company aims to meet international legal standards that will allow developing current and future directions more efficiently. That is why the contents of the certificates have been changed.
2. What does it mean for me?
You should not worry, as it means absolutely nothing for you. You remain a unique investor in projects at the UInvest platform, and certificates fully confirm your investment and guarantee our responsibility.
3. Why should I give up the paper version of the certificate?
You have a unique opportunity to get an electronic version of the certificate, and in return give needy children money that would be spent on their production and delivery, as well as to preserve a piece of nature.
Kindly feel free to address additional questions to our 24/7 support.
All the best from UInvest
1. Why have you completely changed certificates?
At this stage our company aims to meet international legal standards that will allow developing current and future directions more efficiently. That is why the contents of the certificates have been changed.
2. What does it mean for me?
You should not worry, as it means absolutely nothing for you. You remain a unique investor in projects at the UInvest platform, and certificates fully confirm your investment and guarantee our responsibility.
3. Why should I give up the paper version of the certificate?
You have a unique opportunity to get an electronic version of the certificate, and in return give needy children money that would be spent on their production and delivery, as well as to preserve a piece of nature.
Kindly feel free to address additional questions to our 24/7 support.
All the best from UInvest
U Invest : Newsletter 11 MAR 2013
UInvest Newsletter
Monday, 00:00
11 March 2013
Welcome to the UInvest dashboard! |
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We are happy to present our dear clients the UInvest dashboard, the main purpose of which is that you have a quick access to various information. The dashboard consists of several blocks. Their quantity will grow according to new purposes. Every block represents information about a certain service provided by UInvest, e.g. new credit applications, funds transfer in and out, stock activity, position and rating on the website, a quick access to the distribution list settings, sign up/off the emails distributions. We believe the dashboard will be of great use for everyone! And... as always, your feedback is always welcome! |
Loan Contest Latest Updates |
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As you might remember on February 20 a new and exciting loan contest
started. Everyone is welcome to join the contest and win amazing
prizes! You have one month to go, as the contest lasts up to April, 1.
We have identified one user with a leading position at the moment. This
is dargolf with 8408 points and 15 participants! At the very start of the contest the volume of credit funds was $10,000,and now it is $35,000! A nice progress, isn't it? You still have time to compete for the loan contest prizes! As a gentle reminder, they are: 3rd place - $500 prize 2nd place -$1000 prize 1st place - $1500 prize Please check the live chart by following the link |
UInvest in China |
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Dear Uinvestors! We would like to make a surprise to you by saying that this week our company's management attended the 10th International Investment Expo in China, where UInvest was successfully presented as an exclusive and the only one crowd funding company at the investment exposition! Uinvest awoke an immense interest in its business of many attendees! Our representatives were snowed with numerous questions and were very happy to provide full answers. Colorful pictures and interesting videos are being prepared for publishing! Stay tuned and you won't miss them! |
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In the coming five years new wind power plants with a total capacity of around one gigawatt will be launched in Ukraine, Director of Wind Power LLC, part of the DTEK Holding, German Ainbinder, has said. As reported, DTEK launched wind power plants with a capacity of 90 megawatts at Botiyevska wind power plant (Zaporizhia region), and this year the holding plans to increase the plant's capacity to 200 megawatts. Please read more by following this link. |
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A contest question for this week:
In China, you cannot take a picture of a Great Wall if you have red hair. Why? Please submit your answer here. Winners’ names will be announced in the next newsletter. The correct answer for the Tricky Question from the last week: Therein. Winners' names will be announced on March 11. |
TriDeci : Update - March 13 - 30 Days Online!
Good day folks and a Very Warm Welcome to all our new members.
Well, we just passed our first 30 days online and I must say congratulations to you all on making TriDeci such a resounding success.
We now have nearly 6000 members and are currently growing at about 200 to 300 new members every day. That is just awesome!
And the reason for this is plainly obvious. Even though we have had some teething issues, we are in fact the Real Deal and the word is starting to get out.
Just have a look at the Recent Payments page. Hundreds upon hundreds of cashouts have been listed there and even thoough we show just the most recent, you can get a very good idea of what some folk are making at this early stage.
Anywhere from a few dollars a day to over $300 and $400. We have even seen cash-outs of nearly $800. Not bad for the first 30 days!
Ok. We have two new features to improve upon what we have already offered.
First off is the No-Cost Trial DCU (Daily Commission Unit). Every new member is issued one of these when they sign up. We are in effect loaning you a Plan A DCU at no cost to yourself. It works just as per normal, you surf your ten sites every day, and you get paid your commissions as per usual. Once you have earned $10.00, this pays for your trial unit and the rest is yours to keep.
This allows everyone to see how the TriDeci Daily Income System works, how simple it is and how it can benefit anyone, no matter what their experience in making an online income. And even if they have not yet made any referrals!
It also removes any barriers to signing up new members. I mean, why would anyone turn it down, it is a zero-risk and zero-upfront-cost method of trying us out.
Second off, the RCM (Residual Commission Matrix) now has a 100% Referrers Matching Bonus. Simply put, whenever one of your DIRECT referrals earns a commission or bonus through the RCM, you are paid the exact same amount. Just imagine the possibilities.
Say for example, if you had a hundred people in your downline and you made a $100 a day through the RCM, and ten of your downline were your direct referrals who did exactly the same.
You would then be earning $100 + $100x10 = $1100 A DAY!
This is not even an extreme example, we already have a few members with downlines of over a thousand. The key to this though is - MAKE SURE YOU ARE UPGRADED, AND MAKE SURE YOUR REFERRALS ARE UPGRADED - the higher the better, and your RCM earnings in time will outstrip your DCU and Cyclers.
And thus with these two additions you can now be confident in advertising and signing up a growing downline which will help to seriously grow your commissions.
Dont sit on the fence, it is still early days, make sure you get your ads out and in front of the BILLIONS of people who are online today.
If you need help to understand TriDeci and the opportunity it presents you, and how to build your downline then please attend one of Marc's live online trainings. The link to these is on the back-office support page. You dont need any special software, it runs right in your browser.
And finally just in case that was not enough to get you going, we are also running a one week Referral Upgrades competition which finishes on Sunday 17th March at Midnight PST.
There are prizes for the top three members with the most UPGRADED DIRECT REFERRALS this week, whether new or existing members.
First prize is 15 Tier 1 Cycler postions. Second prize is 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions. And Third prize is 5 Tier 1 Cycler positions.
So get your ads out and get talking to your teams. We'll get a page up today or tomorrow with the leaders on it. Make sure your name is a the top of the list!
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin.
Well, we just passed our first 30 days online and I must say congratulations to you all on making TriDeci such a resounding success.
We now have nearly 6000 members and are currently growing at about 200 to 300 new members every day. That is just awesome!
And the reason for this is plainly obvious. Even though we have had some teething issues, we are in fact the Real Deal and the word is starting to get out.
Just have a look at the Recent Payments page. Hundreds upon hundreds of cashouts have been listed there and even thoough we show just the most recent, you can get a very good idea of what some folk are making at this early stage.
Anywhere from a few dollars a day to over $300 and $400. We have even seen cash-outs of nearly $800. Not bad for the first 30 days!
Ok. We have two new features to improve upon what we have already offered.
First off is the No-Cost Trial DCU (Daily Commission Unit). Every new member is issued one of these when they sign up. We are in effect loaning you a Plan A DCU at no cost to yourself. It works just as per normal, you surf your ten sites every day, and you get paid your commissions as per usual. Once you have earned $10.00, this pays for your trial unit and the rest is yours to keep.
This allows everyone to see how the TriDeci Daily Income System works, how simple it is and how it can benefit anyone, no matter what their experience in making an online income. And even if they have not yet made any referrals!
It also removes any barriers to signing up new members. I mean, why would anyone turn it down, it is a zero-risk and zero-upfront-cost method of trying us out.
Second off, the RCM (Residual Commission Matrix) now has a 100% Referrers Matching Bonus. Simply put, whenever one of your DIRECT referrals earns a commission or bonus through the RCM, you are paid the exact same amount. Just imagine the possibilities.
Say for example, if you had a hundred people in your downline and you made a $100 a day through the RCM, and ten of your downline were your direct referrals who did exactly the same.
You would then be earning $100 + $100x10 = $1100 A DAY!
This is not even an extreme example, we already have a few members with downlines of over a thousand. The key to this though is - MAKE SURE YOU ARE UPGRADED, AND MAKE SURE YOUR REFERRALS ARE UPGRADED - the higher the better, and your RCM earnings in time will outstrip your DCU and Cyclers.
And thus with these two additions you can now be confident in advertising and signing up a growing downline which will help to seriously grow your commissions.
Dont sit on the fence, it is still early days, make sure you get your ads out and in front of the BILLIONS of people who are online today.
If you need help to understand TriDeci and the opportunity it presents you, and how to build your downline then please attend one of Marc's live online trainings. The link to these is on the back-office support page. You dont need any special software, it runs right in your browser.
And finally just in case that was not enough to get you going, we are also running a one week Referral Upgrades competition which finishes on Sunday 17th March at Midnight PST.
There are prizes for the top three members with the most UPGRADED DIRECT REFERRALS this week, whether new or existing members.
First prize is 15 Tier 1 Cycler postions. Second prize is 10 Tier 1 Cycler Positions. And Third prize is 5 Tier 1 Cycler positions.
So get your ads out and get talking to your teams. We'll get a page up today or tomorrow with the leaders on it. Make sure your name is a the top of the list!
Kind Regards,
TriDeci Admin.
U Invest : Conference Newsletter 13 MAR 2013
Conference newsletter
Hi,Eliott! Every week our uinvestors wonder who will be the next person to give an interview. And today it is your turn - our honored uinvestor from Ontario, Canada.Please, tell our readers how long you have been a member of the UInvest community? I've been a member of UInvest for exactly 12 months. I still remember when I first came across this investment opportunity, and I'm very happy with the results so far! Thank you for such positive feedback. And what are your expectations from the UICC 2013? With that said, a few things that I'm looking forward to seeing at the UInvest conference are better understanding the structure of UInvest, meeting the UInvest management, learning about stability of UInvest and their future plans,and, of course, any additional information so that I can have a better understanding of UInvest as a whole. Thank you, Eliott! I am sure you will be able to get your answers at the conference. We are looking forward to meeting you in person at the UICC 2013 in Los Angeles! |
of you
have been asking what the program would be for April 29th and May 1st.
While we are still working on the schedule to accommodate all uinvestors
order for each of you to be able to have personal and small group
meetings with the members of the UInvest team, we would like to let you
know that
each attendee will have an opportunity to visit the UInvest Beverly
Hills office and have a personal meeting with the UInvest team during
one of those
days. For those who will be travelling from out-of-town, it is important
to notify us of your itinerary so that we were able to accommodate the
meeting date and time that fits best into your schedule. Please, email
Edina Martin with this information at: registration@
We will do
our best to accomodate your request when assigning you a time slot.
A note to new
registrants who are interested in an optional Los Angeles tour: please, contact Edina Martin at registration@
Next letter will be issued on Wednesday 20th of
March. Stay tuned!
Regards, UInvest Support Team.
Profit Clicking : (^_^) Premium Ad Packages - a HUGE HIT!!
Welcome to all our new members!
You're at the right place to make a lot of
money, and by doing very simple tasks - by
simply viewing the web sites of other
members - amazing!
Profit Clicking News Flash:
Premium advertising sales are
Premium Withdrawals are being processed in
just 24-48 hours!
The Green light withdrawals for the Basic
Wallet are staying lit up longer as each
day passes by, as predicted!
A record number of members viewing
websites on the PC Traffic Exchange!
The Elite Marketing Group now has over
6,000 participants!
It's all true - log in to check it out for
http://www.profitclickin.com/ login
Be sure to buy as many premium and basic
ad packages as you can, so you can build
both ad package accounts. Remember, the
more ad packages you own, the more you can
advertise AND the more daily sales
commissions you can earn.
To fund your Premium account, login and
switch to your Premium account and click
on the Premium Wallet in the left sidebar:
Share Profit Clicking with Others
It's important to share the Profit
Clicking advertising opportunity with
others, providing the best opportunity on
the Internet!
Earn up to $5,000 per day per referral in
the Basic and Premium Ad Package Systems!
Your 1st Level referrals earn you $1.00
and your 2nd Level referrals earn you
$0.50, every time they purchase an Ad
To share the Profit Clicking opportunity
with others:
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business
Over 6,000 Elite Marketing Group Members!
Now with over 6,000 opted in, the Elite
Marketing Group has been successfully
giving extra assistance to marketers, to
promote businesses of all types.
This popular service is provided free by
Profit Clicking. Simply, login and click
on the silver banner at the top of the
page and opt in, or click on the following
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/build-my-business/ elite-marketing-group
Use Gift Cards to Promote Your Business!
Premium Gift Cards are coming soon, so you
can share the Premium advertising with
your prospects. Until then, send them
Basic Gift Cards and encourage them to
fund their Premium wallet, setting them up
for both ad package systems.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ dashboard/gift-cards
The Profit Clicking Staff has been working
very hard to improve the site and bring
new products and services for the
membership. We would like to again thank
you for your patience during this time. It
will only get better so look for more
improvements and opportunities coming in
the next weeks and months.
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
http://www.profitclicking.com/ million-dollar-challenge
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the first
time. By seeing that "$10 free test drive"
in their Profit Clicking accounts, they
can immediately buy a Profit Clicking Ad
Package and start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if they
create their new Profit Clicking accounts,
they get "$10 of free test drive" money to
easily get started. (Note that after 45
days, their Profit Clicking accounts will
be debited with $10.00)
It's very easy to make money with Profit
On our Millionaires' page you can see that
our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,120,000 from the exact same
compensation plan you are looking at
today, making 10% from the purchases of
direct referrals and 5% from their 2nd
Level, plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying advertising
and selling advertising) has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned more
than $775,000 each, from the exact same
compensation plan that's available to you
here in Profit Clicking today.
http://www.profitclicking.com/ be-a-millionaire
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can see
from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 233 in the entire world!
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ profitclicking.com
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If you
scroll down to "Country" and click "More",
you can see how we're doing in various
parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome, and
some of the best features of our system
have come from our members, so feel free
to click on "Make a Suggestion" at the
bottom of the Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than
Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell your
friends and contacts about it -- before
they join under someone else.
You're at the right place to make a lot of
money, and by doing very simple tasks - by
simply viewing the web sites of other
members - amazing!
Profit Clicking News Flash:
Premium advertising sales are
Premium Withdrawals are being processed in
just 24-48 hours!
The Green light withdrawals for the Basic
Wallet are staying lit up longer as each
day passes by, as predicted!
A record number of members viewing
websites on the PC Traffic Exchange!
The Elite Marketing Group now has over
6,000 participants!
It's all true - log in to check it out for
Be sure to buy as many premium and basic
ad packages as you can, so you can build
both ad package accounts. Remember, the
more ad packages you own, the more you can
advertise AND the more daily sales
commissions you can earn.
To fund your Premium account, login and
switch to your Premium account and click
on the Premium Wallet in the left sidebar:
Share Profit Clicking with Others
It's important to share the Profit
Clicking advertising opportunity with
others, providing the best opportunity on
the Internet!
Earn up to $5,000 per day per referral in
the Basic and Premium Ad Package Systems!
Your 1st Level referrals earn you $1.00
and your 2nd Level referrals earn you
$0.50, every time they purchase an Ad
To share the Profit Clicking opportunity
with others:
Over 6,000 Elite Marketing Group Members!
Now with over 6,000 opted in, the Elite
Marketing Group has been successfully
giving extra assistance to marketers, to
promote businesses of all types.
This popular service is provided free by
Profit Clicking. Simply, login and click
on the silver banner at the top of the
page and opt in, or click on the following
Use Gift Cards to Promote Your Business!
Premium Gift Cards are coming soon, so you
can share the Premium advertising with
your prospects. Until then, send them
Basic Gift Cards and encourage them to
fund their Premium wallet, setting them up
for both ad package systems.
The Profit Clicking Staff has been working
very hard to improve the site and bring
new products and services for the
membership. We would like to again thank
you for your patience during this time. It
will only get better so look for more
improvements and opportunities coming in
the next weeks and months.
Very Important Information Follows
Our unique, patented system is the reason
Profit Clicking is indefinitely
The Profit Clicking Test Drive will
benefit all Members who create their
Profit Clicking accounts for the first
time. By seeing that "$10 free test drive"
in their Profit Clicking accounts, they
can immediately buy a Profit Clicking Ad
Package and start earning!
So please tell your prospects that if they
create their new Profit Clicking accounts,
they get "$10 of free test drive" money to
easily get started. (Note that after 45
days, their Profit Clicking accounts will
be debited with $10.00)
It's very easy to make money with Profit
On our Millionaires' page you can see that
our Top Promoter has earned over
$1,120,000 from the exact same
compensation plan you are looking at
today, making 10% from the purchases of
direct referrals and 5% from their 2nd
Level, plus lots of money from the panel
You can also see that our top company
earner (combination of buying advertising
and selling advertising) has earned:
All of our top 20 earners have earned more
than $775,000 each, from the exact same
compensation plan that's available to you
here in Profit Clicking today.
Extremely Healthy Business Growth!
You should also know that your program
continues to grow strongly, as you can see
from our Alexa traffic chart, Profit
Clicking is ranked today at an incredible
number 233 in the entire world!
Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If you
scroll down to "Country" and click "More",
you can see how we're doing in various
parts of the world.
Your suggestions are always welcome, and
some of the best features of our system
have come from our members, so feel free
to click on "Make a Suggestion" at the
bottom of the Member Area.
Working for our wealth and success,
Your Profit Clicking Success Team
P.S. We challenge you to find any program
that's easier to make money with than
Profit Clicking.
P.P.S. Profit Clicking is likely to become
"the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell your
friends and contacts about it -- before
they join under someone else.
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